Get in Touch with Green Star Cleaning

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We’re here to answer any questions or provide more information.

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Find answers to commonly asked questions about our cleaning services.

Are your cleaning agents non-toxic?

Yes, we strictly use non-toxic cleaning agents to ensure the safety of your home and the environment.

Do you provide services in Seattle and Shoreline?

Yes, we proudly serve both Seattle and Shoreline communities.

How long has Green Star Cleaning Company been in business?

We have nearly 25 years of experience in providing trusted and sustainable home cleaning services.

What makes Green Star a top choice for homeowners?

Our commitment to quality, eco-friendly practices, and safe cleaning techniques sets us apart as a reliable and sustainable option for homeowners.

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2360 Hood Avenue, San Diego, CA, 92123

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Green Star Cleaning Company is a trusted and experienced home cleaning service committed to eco-friendly practices and customer satisfaction.

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